The simple solution is usually the best
That is true, but it is also easier said than done.

 Especially in product development, with the experience you have, very often, the first idea for solving a problem can already be good. The engineer is satisfied and can tick off the issue. After all, there's other work to be done.

The result is a decent but average product that meets the requirements but is certainly not the best solution.
Some are now asking, "What more do you want?" We have met the specification and thus the minimum customer requirement. The customer must be satisfied with this because he gets what he defined.

From the point of view of a program or project manager, this is true. The solution was delivered on time, the customer's requirements were sufficiently fulfilled, and the required quality was achieved - job done.

But has the job been done successfully? Can we inspire the customer with an average solution? I don't think so.
But what fills me with special pride is that our Aersolution engineers don't think that way either.

So, this week, I could once again experience first-hand what it means when all teammates have a vast amount of professional pride.

We found relatively good solutions for a problem that had been bothering us for a long time after an intensive team meeting and analysis of the first prototype. The following day, I went on a short business trip, and when I got back to the office, I wanted to look at the progress of the implementation of the solution. You know, time pressure and all that. However, our engineers told me they were not yet satisfied and presented me with a new approach to solving the problem.

The solution was brilliantly simple, needed fewer parts, and solved our problem in precisely the right place—the best solution.

I love these "Aersolution Moments" that show the spirit of our company at its best. And it is this spirit that makes the difference between an average product and an Aersolution product—the best solution.

If you are also tired of the average, then contact us. We will find the best solution for your product as well.

Aersolution Interior AG stands for highest quality Interior solutions. For example fully customized lift and stow galley door hinges for VIP aircraft and business jets.

Smart interior solutions desiged and made in Switzerland 🇨🇭 .

Check out our website for further information about our products and projects

The simple solution is usually the best
Roger Bünter 28 August, 2023
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